Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Award and Photos of Water Droplets


I'll start this post off with a thank you to Sarah for giving me the Stylish Blogger Award!  Sarah and her sister, Rebekah, just recently started following me and they've left me many kind comments (thanks!).

For this award I need to share 8 things about myself.  I'll try and give you 8 things you probably don't know about me...here it goes:

1.  I've shown a miniature horse in our State Fair twice. 
2.  I don't have a favorite color.  They're all so beautiful!  If I had to choose I would lean towards pastel colors, but I also like vibrant colors...so you see...I really can't pick just one color! :)
3.  I usually wear skirts, but flowy comfortable dresses are my favorite!
4.  I'm really looking forward to my graduation next year.  Not just because I'm graduating but because I might get a really pretty dress and make a nice cake and...I could go on and on.
5.  I'm going to photograph my friend's wedding next year!  
6.  Horses are my favorite animal (nothing else even comes close :).
7.  I'm taller than everyone in my family other than Daddy.  (My older sister loves it when I point this out! ;)
8.  I'd love to have a big rose garden one day.  Currently I have one little plant, but hopefully we'll be getting at least 1 more soon!  [I feel like I've told everyone I know about this...]

I think that's all I need to say for now but I'll leave you with some pictures I took this morning:
 I love water droplets!!!

Hope you all have a great night!
Kimber :)


  1. Congrats on the award Kimber!
    Nice pictures as well :)
    Yay, I love horses too!
    In Christ,

  2. Hey Kimber:
    I enjoyed learning more about you in this post!
    Your pictures are VERY beautiful (as alwayes)!
    In Christ


"Let your speech [be] always with grace, seasoned with salt," (Colossians 4:6)